The long-awaited summit was reached Nov. 12 and was met with substantial attendance, genuine enthusiasm and support.
Welcome came from UWEP Director Susan R. Madsen and UVU President Matthew Holland as people settled in their seats and prepared themselves for the newest results of the ongoing study.
William A. Sederburg, Utah commissioner of higher education, and Larry K. Shumway, state superintendent of public instruction gave the opening remarks.
The most current Utah demographics were highlighted by Pamela S. Perlich, senior research economist in the Utah Bureau of Economic and Business Research. This relevant information created the context for the work and mission of UWEP.
Following Perlich, Madsen and research partner Cheryl Hanewicz introduced the UWEP study results.
In a second session, the extensive results continued to be presented by Madsen, Hanewicz, Susan Thackeray and Doug Gardner. The information offered at the summit is substantial; the general information will be more widely available in future.
Keep updated with the blog to receive detailed information regarding original results of the UWEP.