UWEP was recently spotlighted on "Bill’s Blog", the brainchild of Utah Commissioner of Higher Education William A. Sederburg.
He recalled the UWEP summit and introduced the topics covered, particularly the project's original findings.
Sederburg explained the collective goal to increase the degree attainment of Utah's adult population to 66 percent by 2020. Hence, there is a necessity to increase female degree obtainment.
Utah female college graduation rates have only dipped below the national average since 1993, whereas they previously exceeded the national average. An undeniable issue has developed, and UWEP has taken great strides in identifying and analyzing the problems within the puzzle.
Concerned with the mindset of Utah women, Sederburg highlighted the finding that women often plan to merely "[go] to college" rather than continue and complete a degree.
He also explained the finding that the women studied didn't seem to have much support from close friends, family and leaders. Although open dialogue about the possibilities for their future proved very influential for those who experienced it, most did not have this advantage.
The last result he introduced was the lack of financial support Utah women tend to receive for college. This presents a huge burden to young women and often makes the option of higher education seem nonexistent.
"While meeting the workforce needs of the state is important, it is also critical to help women achieve a better future. The Utah rate of divorce matches that of the nation (nearly 50%), our per capita income is almost 80% that of the national average. Thus on a personal level, we need to help women attend, and complete, institutions of higher education," urged Sederburg.
To read his full original blog post, click on the headline of this article.
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